Just let yourself be convinced.

You can always look forward to cool new motifs with many different scents that will amaze you.

Current Trends


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The best fragrances - just for you!

Our DUFTY'S have many exotic scents and were specially selected by us. From fruity to perfume, everything is included!

  • quality before quantity

    Since we want to create a unique shopping experience, we put a sticker on the opening of the envelope for every order to ensure that no other person has opened the envelopet.

  • Fast eco-friendly shipping

    In order not to further pollute the environment, we rely on CO2-neutral shipping of our products by Deutsche Post. We also make sure to keep plastic consumption to a minimum.

    For more informations. 
  • It's your turn !

    We are open to creative ideas and suggestions in terms of motifs, graphics, etc. Fragrances, so please let us know via the contact form or social media, we look forward to it. :)